Hosted by Fortune City, but I guess you figured that out from the URL anyway.
Welcome to Buncentral! Bunman and his friends, The Spiced Buns would like to welcome you into his life via the glory of the real-life TV craze. If it wasn't for Judge Judy, COPS, Pommies, and Weddings, you would probably not be seeing this. Well, you probably would be, but isn't it fun when you can shift the blame on somebody else?
Get prepared to join Bunman and his faithful idiosidekick,
Longbun Boy, as he fights the evil mad scientist, Anton. Bunman is a superhero
that the world can look up to and admire. He was created from six cheese
and bacon buns but you will find more about that later.
Sound like fun? No? Well it is, trust us. Bunman has a lot of cool stuff to keep you occupied. He has a chat room, an International Recipe Book of Food Based Superheroes, his own church, a guide all about him and best of all, he has his own comic book adventures, some of which are interactive. All you have to do to get in is click on the oven below.
Of course, you don't have to go in yet, first you might take a little look at the stuff you might need if you want to get in. BunChat requires a java capable browser and you will also need to view frames if we can get them to work properly (we probably won't.) To do this, we recommend Netscape Communicator 4 (or Navigator 3 if it suits your system better.) Microsoft Internet Explorer 3 or 4 will also work. If you insist on using another browser, you can try your luck, but we make no guarantees it'll work.
-Longbun Boy learns how to stop a bus.
-Longbun boy gets kicked off #ftphelp IRC.
It's hard to get all the bits of BunCentral up properly so bear with us. This page is under construction so bookmark it and come back. If you would like to receive information on BunCentral Updatesand a whole lot of other crap, insert your email address into the form below.
We hope you enjoy Bunman. We really do. I will now mention a few common search engine keywords. Sex smut nudity pornography hardcore lesbian erotica warez games computers microsoft internet jesus god. Bye for now, you'll see more of Bunman soon.